
What are Workshops

Workshop is the term for any purely practical session.

The BringABox days usually have a mix of activities, which works well but resulted in calls for dedicated practical sessions with more time for problem solving, practicals based on the BringABox presentations, jointly researching and discussing a topic, software demos etc.

What are Study Groups

See Study Group page for details.

Workshop or Study Group Proposals

It would probably be sensible to look also at the Topics Requested page.

Past Workshops Archive

See the KnowledgeBase for resulting technical info and the Workshops Archive for anything else. Any tips learnt about hosting these events should have been added to this page.

How to Propose a Workshop

Add your proposed topic title to the list above - there's no commitment to running the event. On your separate topic page describe what you have in mind regarding the technical scope and any thoughts about practical arrangements. Start a list of {interested person, date, nature of interest} by adding yourself. For a more detailed example see an example Study Group

How to Host a Workshop

Anyone can offer to host any workshop, the main requirement is to provide a venue (bonus points for East Surrey* :-). We suggest you provide personal details such as directions by email only, and consider whether your meeting is open to the list as a whole, people you know, or named invitees only. Checklist: venue/home, directions + date, seating, outlets, internet, snacks, ashtray, spare PC, toilet, parking, lift to station, contact numbers e.g. for late cancellation, topic knowledge / experience / enthusiasm. After the event let us know how it went with technical outcomes in the KnowledgeBase and a mention on the list to encourage further workshops. Remember also to update this page if needed, for example the hosting Checklist, and there's a Workshops Archive page to record the event.

 * we are currently short of venues in East Surrey